ATLANTA – On Thursday, August 22nd, the Democratic Party officially selected Kamala Harris as their nominee for President. Harris, known for her role as Vice President and her controversial tenure as California’s Attorney General, now leads the Democratic ticket in what is sure to be a contentious election. But for millions of Americans who feel betrayed by the two-party system, Libertarian candidate Chase Oliver offers the only real alternative.

While the Democratic establishment rallies behind Harris, Oliver is quick to highlight the stark differences between their campaigns.

“Kamala Harris represents the status quo – a continuation of policies that have led to skyrocketing national debt, deepening economic inequality, and erosion of individual freedoms,” says Oliver. “My campaign is about breaking away from the duopoly that has failed the American people. Unlike Harris, I’m committed to balancing the budget, reducing government overreach, and ensuring that every American has the opportunity to thrive without being crushed by taxes and regulations.”

Harris’s record as Attorney General has drawn criticism from across the political spectrum, particularly for her aggressive prosecution of minor offenses and her failure to address systemic issues in the criminal justice system. Oliver, by contrast, has consistently advocated for criminal justice reform that prioritizes rehabilitation over punishment and addresses the root causes of crime.

“As Attorney General, Harris enforced policies that disproportionately harmed minorities and the poor, perpetuating a broken system,” Oliver says. “My administration would focus on restorative justice and ending the war on drugs, which has devastated communities for far too long.”

Harris’s support for the Green New Deal and her $10 trillion climate plan are also points of contention. While Oliver agrees on the need for environmental action, he argues that Harris’s approach is fiscally irresponsible and prioritizes government control over innovative solutions.

“We all want a cleaner planet,” Oliver says. “But throwing trillions of dollars at the problem without addressing the inefficiencies and corruption within the system will only lead to more waste and debt. My plan focuses on market-driven solutions that incentivize green innovation without bankrupting our future.”

In terms of healthcare, Harris has advocated for expanding government control, a stance that Oliver argues would lead to less choice and more bureaucracy.

“Harris wants to expand a system that’s already failing millions of Americans,” Oliver says. “I believe in empowering individuals to make their own healthcare decisions, with a focus on reducing costs through competition and transparency, not by adding more layers of government.”

As Harris takes the reins of the Democratic Party, Oliver remains steadfast in his mission to offer voters a genuine alternative to the two-party system.

“This election isn’t just about Democrat versus Republican,” says Oliver. “It’s about breaking free from a system that’s rigged against the average American. Unlike Harris, I’m not beholden to special interests or party elites. My campaign is driven by a vision for a freer, fairer America – one where the government serves the people, not the other way around.”

As the only candidate on the ballot in nearly every state outside of the Old Parties, Oliver’s campaign represents the best chance for voters to voice their frustration with the status quo and demand real change.

For further inquiries or comments from Chase Oliver, please contact:
Amber Howell, Media Director
(706) 436-3690

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