Individual Choice
No government should regulate personal activities or impose harsh penalties. We must end the death penalty, corporate bailouts, drug criminalization, abortion restrictions before viability, and excessive employment regulations. The government shouldn’t draft citizens, tax individuals excessively, mandate medical treatments, or censor private communication.
- The death penalty is an aberration of justice; just as no citizen has the right to murder another, no government has the right to murder its citizens. Death is final; an individual exonerated after execution has still been executed. Of nearly 1800 individuals sentenced to death since 1973, 200 have been found wrongly convicted and released. We will immediately end the death penalty at the Federal level and work towards legislation to abolish it at the state level as well.
- With slightly more than 4% of the world’s population, our nation is responsible for a quarter of the globe’s inmate population. Roughly 44% of Federal prisoners are incarcerated for drug related offenses, while the share of state and local inmates housed for drug related offenses is 25%. We will deschedule marijuana immediately and work towards the decriminalization of all drugs.
- We will encourage states to decriminalize abortions. These medical decisions should be left to the individuals and their doctors. Also, encourage alternatives to abortion, such as adoption by easing the regulations that greatly increases the cost of adoption.